Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day, My Loves!

To my big Valentine, Mike: When I met you about 10 years ago, I knew there was something special about you. And I had no idea how much my life was going to change! We had 8 years of pretty much pure bliss. Then we had kids. While I believe that our bliss will someday return (maybe after retirement?), watching you step up as a father and a husband has made me so proud of you and more in love with you each year. You always try so hard to be the best and most thoughtful father and husband; when you struggle or stumble, you are always the first to apologize, try even harder and let me know how much you love us. We don't have much family support here in town, but because we have each other, I know that we can get through anything.

To my little Valentine, Wilson: I see how sweet you are, even when you are feeling upset or sick. I love your kisses and hugs; I love how you want to be big and try to help out with everything that I do. Even when you are feeling pretty cranky and you see mommy or daddy take a few deep breaths, we always love you. Life is about to change pretty significantly for you, which will be difficult for all of us; but we want you to know that we believe you came to us for a reason and that our hearts are big enough for you and your little brother.

To my smallest Valentine: You are still in mommy's belly, but I hope that in a few months when you enter the world, you know that you will always be surrounded with love. Fair warning: we are a pretty crazy family and we are not perfect (or even close), but we will always love, respect and cherish you.

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